adobe photoshop CC 2019 pc mac

by adobe
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adobe photoshop cc 2019 pc mac

The October 2018 release of Photoshop CC (version 20.0) rolls out exciting new features for designers, digital photographers, and illustrators. Read on for a quick introduction to these features and links to resources offering more information.

Frame Tool for easy masking
Easily mask images by placing them into frames. Use the Frame Tool (K) to quickly create rectangular or elliptical placeholder frames. You can also convert any shape or text into frames and fill it with images.To place an image into a frame, simply drag an Adobe Stock asset or a libraries asset from the Libraries panel or from your local disk — the image automatically scales to fit the frame. Content placed in frames is always placed as Smart Objects so that it can be scaled non-destructively.

Content-Aware Fill reimagined
Powered by Adobe Sensei

A new, dedicated Content-Aware Fill workspace provides you an interactive editing experience to achieve seamless fill results. You can now choose which source pixels to use and rotate, scale, and mirror the source pixels thanks to Adobe Sensei technology. You also get a live full-resolution preview of the changes and an option to save the result to a new layer.

Content-Aware Fill workspace in Photoshop CC 2019
To launch the Content-Aware Fill workspace:

Open an image in Photoshop. Using any selection tool, create an initial selection of the area you want to fill.
From the menu bar, choose Edit > Content-Aware Fill.
In the Content-Aware Fill workspace, the document window displays the default sampling area as an overlay mask on the image. You can use the tools provided in the Tools panel (at the left of the screen) to modify the sampling area and your initial selection of the fill area. In the Content-Aware Fill panel (at the right of the screen), you can specify sampling options, fill settings, and output settings to get the desired fill result in the image. As you make changes, the Preview panel displays a live full-resolution preview of the output.

New multiple undo mode
You can now use Control + Z (Win) / Command + Z (Mac) to undo multiple steps in your Photoshop document, just like in other Creative Cloud apps. The new multiple undo mode is enabled by default.

Use Control / Command + Z to undo multiple steps
With the new multiple undo mode, the Edit menu displays the following commands:

Undo: Moves one step back in the undo chain. Use the shortcut keys: Control + Z (Win) / Command + Z (Mac).
Redo: Moves one step forward. Use the shortcut keys: Shift + Control + Z (Win) / Shift + Command + Z (Mac).
Toggle Last State works the same as in the legacy undo mode. Use the shortcut keys: Control + Alt + Z (Win) / Command + Option + Z (Mac).
How do I switch back to the legacy undo shortcuts?
The Edit menu also displays the name of the step that will be undone next to the Undo and Redo commands.
For example, Edit > Undo Edit Type.
The commands Step Forward and Step Backward have been removed from the Edit menu. These commands are still available from the fly-out menu in the History panel. Additionally, the layer visibility changes are now undoable by default. When you click a visibility icon in the Layers panel, a history state is created. You can control this behavior using the Make Layer Visibility Changes Undoable option from the History Options dialog, accessible from the fly-out menu in the History panel.

Usability improvements
Reference Point hidden by default
While transforming items, you can now easily move items on the canvas. The reference point that appeared while transforming items is now hidden by default. You can select the Toggle Reference Point check box in the Options bar if you want the reference point to appear.

Toggle reference point
For more information, see Set or move the reference point for a transformation.

Double-click to edit text
You can now double-click a Type layer with the Move tool to quickly begin editing the text in your document. You do not need to switch tools anymore to edit text.

Double-click to edit Type