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Mastercam X7
New Tool Manager
Mastercam's new Tool Manager provides a whole new way to organize and create your tooling. This application offers a lot of power and flexibility for all your mill and router tools. Tool Manager is launched separately from Mastercam by choosing Start, Programs, Mastercam X7, Tool Manager.
The new Tool Manager has been designed from the ground up as a flexible and efficient way to manage tools and tool holding components and to create tool assemblies that can be used in Mastercam. In addition to the tooling component support, Tool Manager also integrates work material and cut parameter data so that you can take advantage of a manufacturer's cutting recommendations. You can also create your own cut parameter data and store it in the database.
The Tool Manager workspace is made of several key components:
Database Explorer
The Database Explorer provides a view of the active database, including tools, holders, and assemblies. Each instance of Tool Manager displays only one tool database at a time. You can have multiple instances of the application and even drag and drop components between instances. Double-clicking on the tree items in the Database Explorer opens a new document or sets the active document.
Assembly Tree
The Assembly Tree displays a hierarchical representation of the active tool assembly. Items in the tree start from the spindle side of a tool assembly and move progressively closer to the cutting tool.
Document Workspace
The Document Workspace shows each document type as a collection of items. All documents offer a data grid view which supports sorting, grouping, and selection of one or more items. Below the data grid is a 3D display of the selected tool or holder. For tool assemblies, this display area also provides selection and adjustment of tool component positioning and orientation.
TIP: For more information, press [F1] to access the online Help and search for the topic called "Graphically Editing the Tool Projection."
Properties Grid
All properties available for a selected item are displayed in the Properties Grid. Use the data grid to select one or more items for editing. When multiple items are selected, only common properties display in the properties grid. These properties can be edited for the entire group of selected items.
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